Minggu, 29 November 2015

Contoh Teks Pidato Tentang Sumpah Pemuda Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Tidak usah bertele-tele,ini adalah contoh teks pidato memperingati hari sumpah pemuda.
Youth Pledge Speech
Assalamuallaikum, Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
First of all let’s pray and thanks to God who has given us mercies and blessings. So we can attend here in this program without any trouble and obstacles. Peace and salutation be upon the great messenger Muhammad SAW and his household, his companions, and his faithful followers who strives Allah’s Islam religion.
In this opportunity, I would like to present a speech, titled ”The Wasted Freedom”. October 28th is the youth pledge day, every year we celebrate it. In which on the day of October 28th,1928 ,young men and women in Indonesia formulate some sentences contain as follows :
1. We the sons and daughter of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia
2. We the sons and daughter of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia
3. We the sons and daughter of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian
Independence is a meaningful word. One word that fought the Indonesian people for more than 350 years. For them, freedom is a treasure that must be fought. For the sake of the children and grandchildren, they are willing to sacrifice. For the sake of this nation sovereignty they are willing to die. Never give up against the invader .Blood and sweat are dripping. For the same purpose, namely independence.
But after 70 years, the meaning of independence is like nothing for us. We waste time, being lazy, not working hard, being naughty, out breaking laws, regulation, and living like jet set life , so what for Indonesia being Independence country. When will young generation finish these negative activities. Now, we are free, but are you sure? that tomorrow, Indonesian people will not be colonized?
We should be proud to be Indonesian as Indonesia is a very rich country, Indonesia has the largest mines in the world, Indonesia has millions of hectares of forest area, Indonesia has a culture that cannot be bought with anything .Indonesia has a diversity remarkable, ranging from religion, culture, race, ethnicity, and language. Why don’t we make a unique difference in the state and nation to look beautiful with the many colors and do not make a difference as vanity would be the truest sense of thinking and acting because of the differences that resulted in a split which makes the country weaker.
We have to unite and do not let the fraction emerge. We must be a very strong country. We never ever become a weak country that can make other countries ruin our country. Bhineka Tunggal Ika , that’s our watchword it means Varieties but we are One. Sukarno once said that, “My Struggle easier because repel invaders, your struggle will be more difficult because it goes against your own people, ” So preserve because of the illness in the struggle was only temporary, you can feel it in a minute, an hour, a day, or a month. But, if you surrender, the pain will be felt forever. Finally, I would like to say something

Created by : Ilma Yunita
SMKN Situraja-Sumedang